My Introduction |

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 I am Sayantan Hazra, coming from a small town named Balitikuri which is in the Howrah District of West Bengal, India. I have completed my lower and higher nursery from St. Thomas School, Dasnagar, and K.G. to class 8 in Maria's Day School, Ramrajatala and because this branch has classes till 8 so for that reason we have been shifted to their main branch to complete 9 – 12 studies, and we are the first batch who got options to the branch because our another also got affiliated for class 10 and in 2022 got affiliated for class 12. Now I am a student of class 12, stream commerce in Maria's Day School, Howrah branch.

My character is a very calm, cool, courageous, mature type. I am a shy type of guy when I meet any unknown person unless he/she comes and talks to me directly and how much he/she talks to me openly my shyness also goes, and then I also get confidence to talk openly. I am also a talkative kind of guy in school many times my guardian was called, and our class teacher used to say “He is too much talkative”. In class 8 I was so targeted by our class teacher, she used to take Math, so even the first bench behind mam was talking then also mam used to think I am talking and call me to do sums on the board. I used in such a place there was a pillar that's why their bench was small only three can sit that's why I used to sit there only I and my best friend used to sit there and thinks for talking I used to sit behind the pillar. I have two hobbies, Painting and exploring or experiencing new things related to computers and smartphones. Furthermore, I have given all exams of painting till 7th year and seeing a dream of becoming a big programmer becoming I want to complete BCA (BACHELORS OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS) and my dream job to work for Google. And also I want to become an inspiration for everyone, not only to make my mother and father proud but also my place where I belong to.
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